What if you could finally feel confident as F*ck sharing your new + Current offers

while also having sales-driven successful launches when desired?

What if you could...


Everything you will learn and be guided through has been put to the test and generated results every time when followed!


Everything you will learn and be guided through has been put to the test and generated results every time when followed!

2. Share offers effortlessly on socials

Socials will now be easy AND fun, because all of the foundational ground work will be implemented strategically while also guiding you every step of the way.

3. feel confident af launching

Okay, so real talk. Not every offer has to be a launch, but when you want some excitement and extra income, excitement must be created. However, launching doesn't have to be stressful. In fact, it can be super fun when you have all of the necessary tools to guide you the entire way! Ready to feel confident AF in your next launch?!


What if I told you there was a better way?

A way where you didn't have to fear and stress over sharing your offers.

A way where ALL of the crucial foundational framework of your marketing is aligned, so that you are ready to share your products and services effortlessly and make sales?


No more stressing! Everything that is outlined has been proven effective, and utilized not only here at S² Social Studio but with my clients as well.


By utilizing the various templates provided and examples given throughout the course, you will save time and energy by not having to start anything from scratch!


Once you work through the course, you will gain knowledge to implement into future offers and launches making it easier each & every time.

feelin' grateful

Just a little love

"Sarah was a great choice to help me launch my creative project. I would highly recommend Sarah to anyone looking to launch and/or expand your “brand” on social media".

- Cairenn V.

"Because of all of what Sarah has provided I was able to show up consistently, easily on socials, and my engagement sky rocketed in days."

- Gina Marie



The perfect self-guided course to make sharing both your new + current offers effortless and when desired, generate a sales-driven launch time after time for your brand spankin' new offers.

This course has ALL the things from creating compelling content that converts, email sequences from pre-launch through launch, becoming super confident in who you are targeting + attracting, strategic layout of social media posts, plus so much more!

Here's what's included:

Everything you need to effortlessly share both your new + current offers, plus have a successful sales-driven launch when desired!

S² Social Society Community

Community is SO important for us badass female entrepreneurs. Here you will be able to bounce ideas off of one another and of course drop any questions for me as you crush through this course!


Everything is on your own terms, so you can start and stop as you please. The modules are easy to digest and progress is saved as you go - no more forgetting where you left off. It's time to say YES to you!

Latest Updates

As you know, content and social media marketing trends are always pivoting and so will this course! As strategies change, there will be updates made to this course so you will always be in the "know".

get your sneak FREAKIN' peek...

Here's how it all breaks down.

Everything you need share both your new + current offers AND have the most successful sales-driven launch of your dreams! These modules will be brimming with video tutorials, content that is easily digestible, along with proven systems + strategies.


defining your dream audience

Here we will be sure who you are targeting aligns directly with your products and services. We want to attract those that are going to benefit from the solutions of your offer.

Aligned audience plus aligned offers equals sales on repeat!


Creating content that converts

Here's the deal - your product and/or service is not the problem, it's your messaging aka your content. Time to jazz that shit up strategically and finally have mouthwatering content that consistently converts utilizing one specific key method.

This method will be used all throughout your business including in your social posts, emails, stories, and all other content in between!


Let's hit that email list

In this module we will discuss the importance of your email list, how to nurture them, and build the excitement through pre-launch.

As a bonus, several email templates will be provided so that you can mix + match to what resonates with you and your biz the most!


The real deal with socials

With all the tips, tricks, and hacks floating out there, it can seem overwhelming to be on social media. I am here to tell you (and prove!) that it doesn't have to be that way. We will discuss the importance of optimizing your socials, what types of content to post, how to structure posts, and so much more.

As a bonus, a variety of social media graphic templates will be provided to help save you time and set you up for ultimate success!


selling IN stories + DM'S

This is where we pull out the badass entrepreneur that you are and discuss the strategies behind selling in stories and DM's! This module is a mixture of mindset and strategy so that you can get out of your own way and level-up in your business.


Pre-launch phase

If you want to generate some serious income around a NEW offer, this is where the fun begins! I mean we will have fun the entire course because that's how we do things around here, but you know what I mean.

Now that we have gone over all of the main components, it's time to map everything out, including pricing strategies. If you have everything ready to go and in place, there will be no surprises and everything will flow effortlessly - yes please!


Let's launch

...and just like that it is time to launch! We will get into the nitty gritty of what this week will consist of, how often to show up, what content to share, and so much more.

With most of the heavy lifting being done during pre-launch, when this week approaches, you will be able to let everything naturally flow and take place. Sit in the abundance of wealth you've already generated, and be present in the excitement of your successful sales-driven launch!

feel confident as f*ck Sharing both your NEW + current offers


Have super successful sales-driven launches - when desired!

Trust me, there is no better time than NOW to commit + say YES to yourself!

"Working with Sarah is both refreshing and grounding. She combines practical knowledge with a willingness to adapt to new circumstances. She is genuine and flexible, celebrating wins right alongside you. I feel grateful for all Sarah has done to support my vision."

- Celia Neustadt


100% satisfaction

If you follow everything in this course, you WILL see results when sharing both your new + current courses AND have a successful sales-driven launch - guaranteed!


And just so we're clear...

(Because we don't waste time around here)


  • You're a service or product provider that wants to have proven systems in place for sharing both new + current offers.

  • You so badly want to have a sales-driven successful launch that will have you sold out before launch day.

  • You're ready to elevate your business in ALL aspects & show your badass self to the world!


  • You're expecting immediate results without following everything outlined within the course.

  • You don't want to show up and allow yourself to be truly seen and heard in front of your community + dreamy audience.

  • You are not saying f*ck yes to yourself and fully committing to the next-level you!

HI, i'm sarah!


Sometimes it can seem scary to put yourself out there, or maybe you are unsure how to share all the amazing things that you have to offer, but when your business begins growing and blossoming into everything you've always envisioned, it becomes truly magical.

I am here to make this process effortless for you! This course contains everything you need to effortlessly share both your new + current products and services!

Plus, if you want to generate some serious income with your NEW offer and have a super successful sales-driven launch each and every time, this is the course for YOU!

frequently asked questions

You've got Q's? I've got A's.

Will this course be updated as trends change?

Absolutely! Content and social media marketing strategies are always changing, it's the name of the game. As trends and strategies pivot, so will this course and the content within it to reflect the latest and greatest!

What happens if I get stuck and need help?

While this course is highly in-depth and supported with video tutorials and explanations, questions may still come up. Feel free to tag me within our private community with direct questions!

Will this course work for me?

Are you a badass female entrepreneur? Then HELL YES! No matter if you are a service or product based business, this course WILL work for anyone who is truly committed and puts in the work. After all, these are the same exact techniques that I utilize not only in my own business launches, but within my clients launches as well.

Are refunds provided?

Due to the nature of the course and having immediate access to all materials, refunds will not be provided. Only purchase if you are ready to say yes to yourself, share both your new + current offers effortlessly, and have successful sales-driven launches.


Grab the launch + beyond course TODAY!

ALL the goods to effortlessly and confidently share your products and services, plus have a super successful sales-driven launch - when desired!

  • Graphic Templates

  • Content that Converts

  • In-Depth Video Tutorials

  • Email Templates

  • Community Support

  • ...and SO much more!



(valued at $897)

If you've still got questions for us or want to chat, please email us anytime! We'd love the chance to chat further, no pressure, we promise.

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